TAGS (labels) and criteria. Tonight's class is about TAGS (labels) and criteria as you need to make sure that the work that you produce has been produced for a purpose. If for any reason you haven't got your unit criteria please get them from the 'course handbook' folder on the right of this screen. 1. Knowing where you are within a course is vital as then you can time manage the weeks photography and Edmodo work that you produce. 2.In photography it can be very easy to be distracted and 'drift off theme' whilst you are out taking photographs, if you have a firm understanding as to why and what your work is aimed at you will be more efficient with your time on the course. 3. Also when you have TAGS on your work they are automatically stacked and quantity numbered directly alongside your work in brackets. 4. You will be the very nature of the learning cycle ( as we have been through before) repeat hit these criteria as you work through the course. I will prompt the session today using my paperwork, also all of this is available to view should you wish to use it to help you set your SMART TARGETS. There will also be time in this session to upload your images and post work on Edmodo. A full lesson plan is attached and will be used to direct this lesson
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