Tuesday 23 November 2010

week 10-Studio or location practical application and continued research/ blog development.

It should be remembered that a full context statement for the whole course and assignment paper for this course is 
available for any supporting staff or students anytime should they require it via the level 2 tab on this website.

Application of techniques to chosen unit specific selections.
Studio or location practical application and continued research/ blog development.
Photoshop / toolbox and techniques – various topics. As discussed in previous session on one to one basis for each students work.

Targeting of criteria and self tracking systems session to ensure all blogs posted and up to date.

Clear aims and objectives displayed via the blogger system on all computers.

Studio and location photography ongoing development to allow evidence of principles through own practical session and photography. Recording of technical data to aid successful outcomes.
Participation in group discussion, listening, observing, note-taking, asking answering questions.

Continued photography and research and blog entries / tracking of criteria / labelling blogs.
(ECM 3.4).
Websites to list which are appropriate to themes

Resources used within the session;
Cameras / computers /software /cables and fully equipped studio / lighting.
White board/data projector
C&G qualification documentation.

Criteria based system tracked via labels on each blog entry.
The learners are encouraged to take control of their own learning and have a mechanism in place to enable self assessment. Self tracking and ownership of chosen units needs to be taking place throughout the course with all learners.
(ECM 4.4, 3.5).

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